Parenting has always been a big lesson to learn for every parent, whether you are a parent of two or three children. It is because each child is unique and reacts differently to different methods. Therefore, methods of parenting have been a huge topic to talk about. There will be four types of methods and their outcomes discussed:
1. Authoritative Parenting
Authoritative parents often use two types of discipline strategies: the rules and consequences as well as the reward system.

By keeping a balance between these two, helps your child to know the right things to do and what is not. Parents tend to spend time on stopping the problems before it triggers.

Why AUTHORITATIVE Parenting is the best approach?
- Take the child's feelings into consideration
- Strict & supportive at the same time
- Child feels respected as his views are being heard
- Communication plays a huge part

Children who have authoritative parents can make decisions on their own.
They know the limits and know the consequences of some behavior.
2. Authoritarian Parenting
Authoritarian parents often have high demands but do not respond quickly enough for a child’s needs. Moreover, they set firm boundaries and rules that they demand the child to follow.


Children will eventually mix being successful and obedience with love because they must first obey the rules set by their parents.
The child’s feelings are often not taken into consideration and these can lead to low self-esteem because their views are not being respected.
They are not able to have self-control because they do not have a choice at home.
3. Permissive Parenting
Permissive parents tend to be the opposite of authoritarian parents with low demands but respond quickly to the needs of their children. They are very lenient with their rules and do not carry out punishment.


Children with permissive parents tend to make poorer decisions. Parents are lenient and treat their child as a friend.
Parents are more focused on the freedom of their child rather than the responsibility one should have.
4. Uninvolved Parenting
Parents that are uninvolved tend to show less warmth and respond slowly to the needs of their child. They have few demands and rules toward the child even forgetting about them sometimes.


They do not get enough attention from their parents and feels neglected.
Children must learn how to provide for themselves and make decisions on their own without any guidance from the parents.
What type of parent are you and what do you want to see in your child in the next 5 or 10 years? Consider the benefits and consequences of different parenting styles and try to find the best way to teach as every child is different.
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